How big are your teams?
Currently we have one team of musicians. Please email us or call us at (612) 568-8610 for more information.
How old are your musicians?
Most of our musicians are in the 18-30 age range. All are high school graduates (or have earned their GED), and many are college graduates as well. They come from varied cultures and backgrounds, but are united in their desire to serve the Church and to people for Jesus Christ.
What kind of music do they play?
We play worship music similar to what you might hear during a Sunday morning worship service. Our teams can also play acoustic sets if space is limited or volume level is a concern.
How long is their program?
We are very flexible when it comes to program time. Whether it be a short half-hour worship set or multiple events or services in one location, we are prepared to serve. Please let us know of your specific needs so that we can better prepare a program for your event.
What does a typical program entail?
Our team is prepared with worship music, worship band workshops, and teaching seminars on worship. Our teams can use any or all of these programmatic elements to construct a program to suit your needs. Our teams are sent to serve you and your organization and they will work with you to develop a program that is appropriate for your particular organization.
How much does this cost?
We’ve outlined our financial requests here.
If these requests become a financial burden for your organization, please don’t let your concern deter you from planning an event with us. The task that God has called us to is important to us, and we don’t want to exclude any ministry opportunity based solely on finances. If you have any question or concerns about our financial policy, feel free to contact the booking department.
What does your organization believe?
You can read about what we believe here.